Monica Romero & Omar Ocampo

Biographie (en Anglais)

Omar has been first dancer of the Ballet Folcklórico Nacional de Santiago Ayala and El Chucaro y Norma Viola where he was also dance captain and ballet Master. He is one of the judges of the Danzas Argentinas competition.

Monica is the daughter of artists (Los 5 Latinos) and began her own artistic career studying Jazz in various schools.

The two were married in 1985 and began dancing together performing in The Ballet of Juan-Carlos Copes for a number of years.

They toured throughout Europe, Israel, Japan and the US with the Orquesta de Mariano Mores.

In 1990, they won the prize of the Torneo Latinoamericano de Danza in Chile.

They have been touring with Tango Pasión since 1994 and when not on stage, they enjoy teaching the tango and the sentiments that go with it.

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Tango Pasión
English version